Making a Stand - Jewelry Stand that is

Saturday, January 15, 2011 |
The last thing my Dad says as he goes to bed on Christmas night is 'It's as far away as ever now'.  As a small child those words sent me into a huge depression - a year is such a long time for a child.  As my brother and I got older we'd groan when he said it and then it gradually became part of Christmas tradition, to the point where we'd remind him if he forgot to say it.  (Like the teenagers that moan and groan to their parents to get a new trendy Christmas tree only to be mortally offended when their parents finally get 'round to it ten years later - by this time the teenagers are twenty somethings and changing the tree is equivalent to stripping them of all their childhood Christmas memories - yes my brother and I were those nightmare children too).  Now we only hear Dad say it every other year, so you really want to make sure you don't miss it!  He did say it this year but I don't think my girls heard him, they are still too young to appreciate that's it's part of Mummy's Christmas heritage.

When I went to the UK in the summer I asked Dad to make Rachelle and I a display piece for our jewelry for when we go to events.  They went on a cruise later in the year and Mum said they had to visit every jewelry store on the ship and in port to check out the various displays so he could get ideas for ours.  He designed some options and scanned them to me.  I could tell he was disappointed that I chose the simplest design, he wanted something more intricate to test him more, still if that's what I wanted that's what he'd make.  Five minutes after stepping in our house after a 24 hour journey it was out the case, assembled and passed around for approval.
Apologies for the quality of the photos but you get the idea
It all comes apart for flat packing and the main upright is built in two halves so the stand can be tall, as it's shown here or shorter to display key rings rather than longer pendants.  I should mention that not only is Dad in his eightieth year but last spring he managed to remove the index finger of his right hand with a circular saw - and yes he is right handed.  He made this after his accident and obviously had to use the said saw.  Thanks Dad, I love it but more than that I love the time, effort and energy you put into making it, every time we use it you'll be thought of.

For Christmas this year Mum bought him instructions on how to build an American long case clock, so that'll be his next project......until I think up another one for him!

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